Coating Creations
Consumers can’t get enough crispy, crunchy and delicious foods. Let HB help you deliver on what your customers crave.
Whole Grain Systems
Adhesion Solutions
Moisture Barrier
Binding Agent/Matrix
Flour Based Batters
All Natural Products
Starch Based Batters
Clean Label Formulations
GF Systems
Reduced Oil Systems
Reduced Salt Applications
Extended Hold Time Coatings
Organic, PV Non-GMO, and Regenerative
Contact us with any questions.
Creating unique textures with our fresh, semi-fresh, or dry breadcrumb options is just the beginning of what HB Specialty Foods offers to our valued customers. Through decades of experience baking breadcrumb we achieve a superior texture, in a variety of applications, all with industry leading hold times.
Gluten Free
Bakery Blends
Pancake & Waffle Mixes
Bread/Roll Mixes
Muffin Mixes
Cake Mixes
Cookie Mixes
Gluten Free Mixes
Ancient Grain Mixes
Pizza Crust Mixes
Biscuit/Scone Mixes
Nutritional Fortifications (Omega-3, Gut Health, Vitamins and Minerals, etc.)
Reduced Sugar/carbohydrate formulas
Erin Badzinski
R&D Developer
“At HB, creativity and innovation are at the forefront of development. Our knowledgeable team of food scientists have solutions to fit everyone’s needs and capabilities. With the ability to formulate based off of substrate, functionality, certifications or flavor profiles, our team has what your projects are looking for. ”
Our coatings are known for their superior functionality – and of course, excellent bite and flavor.
Give us a call to discuss how we can match your product with our capabilities (208) 467-7441
HB Runs Quality Facilities & We Have the Audits to Prove It.